Be like others (Transsexual in Iran) (2008)

Be like others ((also known as Transsexual in Iran)

Geregisseerd door Tanaz Eshaghian, Canada, United Kingdom, United States, France, 2008, 74 min.

Iran kent in haar strenge Islamitische cultuur en wetgeving weinig plaats voor hen die buiten de grenzen vallen van het gebruikelijke leven. De groep mensen die in deze documentaire belicht worden leven ver over deze grenzen heen. Het zijn jonge Iraniërs die zich opgesloten voelen in een verkeerd lichaam en overgaan tot een geslachtsoperatie. Er wordt getracht inzicht te geven in de problematiek rond deze situatie in een land waar nuance omtrent seksualiteit ver te zoeken is.

Although homosexual relationships are illegal (punishable by death) in Iran, sex reassignment operations are permitted. In 1987, Islamic leader Ayatollah Khomeini passed a fatwa allowing sex-change operations as a cure for "diagnosed transsexuals". Be Like Others shows the experiences of male and female patients at Dr. Bahram Mir-Jalali's Mirdamad Surgical Centre, a sex-reassignment clinic in Tehran. One of them is Ali Askar, a 24-year-old man who faces harassment from other men due to his feminine appearance and behaviour. He does not want to become a woman but sees no other options for him in Iranian society. He decides to go ahead with the surgery despite death threats from his father and finds support from Vida, a post-operative transsexual he meets at the clinic. By the end of the film, Ali has become a woman named Negar. She has been disowned by her family, experienced depression and has had to work as a prostitute. Twenty-year-old Anoosh is another young man who has been ostracised due to his femininity. His boyfriend feels more comfortable when Anoosh dresses as a woman, and in contrast to Ali, Anoosh's mother is supportive of his desire to change sex. The end of the film shows Anoosh – now Anahita – happy and engaged to her boyfriend. However, her boyfriend has become increasingly distant since Anahita had her surgery.

Throughout the film, the patients of the sex-reassignment clinic assert that they are not homosexual, seeing homosexuality as something that is shameful and immoral Eshaghian's opinion is that this shame is the driving force behind so many Iranians deciding to change their sex. She says that identifying as transsexual rather than homosexual allows them to live free from harassment.

At first, Westerners may find the Iranian state's support of sex change operations contradictory in light of their views on homosexuality. However, Be Like Others reveals the reasoning behind this apparent disagreement: while homosexuality is considered a shameful choice, transsexuality is thought of as a curable mental illness. Dr. Bahram Mir-Jalali, performs more sex-change operations in a year than the entire country of France does in 10 years. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has notoriously proclaimed that there are no homosexuals in Iran, as it is clear that homosexuality has become interchangeable with transsexuality due to fear and repression. The film walks us through the lives of individuals undergoing this procedure and gives us a look into what life is like afterwards.

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