Southern Comfort (2001)

Southern Comfort,

Geregisseerd door Kate Davis, VS, 2001, 90 min.
met Robert Eads, Lola Cola en Maxwell Scott Anderson: Deze documentaire verhaalt over Robert Eads, een transseksueel die eerst als vrouw leefde. Eads werd gediagnosticeerd met baarmoederhalskanker, maar geen specialist wou hem behandelen omdat men bang was dat de reputatie geschaad zou worden met Eads als patiënt. Toen hij uiteindelijk een behandeling wist te krijgen was het al te laat om de ziekte nog fatsoenlijk te kunnen bestrijden.

The film begins in the spring and documents Eads' life through the following winter. 
Eads falls in love with Lola, a transgender woman. He spends those remaining warm days in the company of his "chosen family": Maxwell, Cas, and "the rest". That summer, his mother and father drive ten hours to visit Robert, who is still their daughter in their eyes. Later that year, Eads makes his last appearance at the Southern Comfort Conference in Atlanta, Georgia, a prominent[2] transgender gathering. Already feeling ill, he addresses a crowd of 500 and takes Lola to what is for them a prom that never was. Shortly after the conference, Eads dies in a nursing home with his chosen family.
After Eads' death, his ashes were spread across the family farm around a lone Christmas tree which was to symbolize Robert's many changes and blossomings in life.
Eads' friends, Tom and Debbie King, also appear in the film. They saved Eads' life when he collapsed in a pool of his own blood while staying with them. They initially sought treatment for Eads but were unable to locate a doctor willing to treat a transgender man.
Robert's lifelong struggle to have his outer appearance match his inner self is a salient theme in the movie. All persons portrayed in the movie wrestle with themes of rejection from others, rejection of self, feeling ostracized from humanity and ultimately crafting their own lives and personal support systems.

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